FREE Online Classroom

As part of our COVID-19 response, we have provided some of our popular learning material online for free, from March to August 2020.

We recognize that while these are unprecedented times, we truly believe that education is a crucial part of every child's development. We also understand that there are dedicated teachers who yearn for systems that can foster continuity and that are easy and simple to administer.

The Konnect the Kids concept evolved from the need to keep kids and teachers connected after the sudden closure of schools due to the COVID-19 precautionary measures.

Konnect the Kids has been offering a free platform to teachers and students across Trinidad and Tobago since March 2020. It has been a great way for teachers to deliver both learning material and tests electronically while simultaneously allowing students to submit their responses for teachers to review, assess, correct and provide feedback to each student.

Reach out to them via


1. One Term Access


2. One Year Access