Labour Law and Good Industrial Relations BY Deborah Thomas-Felix
Labour Law and Good Industrial Relations is the latest book by Deborah Thomas-Felix. The book examines the practice of good industrial relations and provides valuable insights and understanding for all those who are involved or interested in industrial relations systems. This book covers the very important topics of Progressive Discipline and Maternity Protection in the Workplace. The Chapters on Progressive Discipline in the Workplace include Warnings (verbal and written), Suspension from Work, Summary Dismissal, the Right to be heard, the Unilateral Alteration of Terms and Conditions of Employment. There is also a Chapter on Maternity Protection at Work and contains a Glossary of various legislations on maternity protection from regions around the world namely, Africa, the Americas, the Arab World, Asia and Europe.
Book Title | Labour Law and Good Industrial Relations BY Deborah Thomas-Felix |
Type | General Reading - Adult |
ISBN | 9789769658424 |
Labour Law and Good Industrial Relations is the latest book by Deborah Thomas-Felix. The book examines the practice of good industrial relations and provides valuable insights and understanding for all those who are involved or interested in industrial relations systems. This book covers the very important topics of Progressive Discipline and Maternity Protection in the Workplace. The Chapters on Progressive Discipline in the Workplace include Warnings (verbal and written), Suspension from Work, Summary Dismissal, the Right to be heard, the Unilateral Alteration of Terms and Conditions of Employment. There is also a Chapter on Maternity Protection at Work and contains a Glossary of various legislations on maternity protection from regions around the world namely, Africa, the Americas, the Arab World, Asia and Europe.